Educational Committee Bylaws

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Educational Committee Bylaws

Bylaws of the Educational Committee

Educational Committee of the AEPC

Education and training of Paediatric Cardiologists is one of the main objectives of AEPC as a professional organisation. The Council is the body within the organisation responsible for co-ordinating and developing educational activities. To assist the Council in realizing its educational goals, the AEPC Council created an educational committee. This committee will work under the guidance of the Council on educational projects defined and approved by the Council.

Aims of the Educational Committee:

  1. Assisting the Council in defining European training requirements for Paediatric Cardiology 
    • Defining the training recommendations has become a major task for the Association. The educational committee assists the council with developing the general training requirements for accreditation by the Association as European Paediatric Cardiologist. This involves revising the current Association recommendations and updating them according to changes in the profession. These proposals are submitted to the Association Council for approval. These training recommendations will be used as basis for the European examination in Paediatric Cardiology
    • Regarding the development of subspecialities, the educational committee supports the Council in developing guidelines for subspeciality training in close collaboration with the working groups. Proposals developed are submitted to the Council of the Association for approval.
    • The Council will instruct the Educational Committee to evaluate and advise the Council regarding proposals for training requirements in Paediatric Cardiology coming from the Working Groups or external professional organisations.
  2. Teaching courses and other educational activities
    • The Council delegates the responsibility for organizing and co-ordinating the Association’s teaching course program. This includes the ‘junior member’ teaching courses as well as any teaching activity organised by the working groups. The Educational Committee develops a long-term proposal for teaching courses. The Educational Committee supervises and approves the programs of the teaching courses. The content should be evaluated based on the Association’s training requirements. 
    • The requirements for getting Association’s approval for a certain course or meeting are to be defined by the Educational Committee and approved by the Council. Any educational activity, which would like to receive the Association’s approval should be proposed to the committee. 
    • The Educational Committee helps the Council in co-ordinating and stimulating the dissemination and development of educational material. This includes:
      • Educational material coming from teaching courses
      • Development of Association’s educational website including teaching material coming from courses and e-learning
      • Development of other training and teaching material
  3. European Examinations and Accreditation 
    • The Educational Committee supports the Council in developing the European examination in Paediatric Cardiology. This European examination is a service offered to the members and will be a requirement for receiving the European Diploma.
    • The Educational Committee should develop this exam together with the Council and this exam should be at the level as defined by the training requirements from Association. The format of the exam needs to be developed by the Educational Committee.
    • A business plan for the practical organisation and costs involved should be developed and submitted to the Council for further evaluation.
    • The first exam is anticipated to be organised by 2011 during the Association General Assembly.
  4. Continuous Medical Education and possible re-accreditation
    • The Educational Committee assists the Council for defining the requirements for continuous medical education and possible re-accreditation in Paediatric Cardiology.

Members of the Educational Committee

  • The members of the educational committee are appointed by the Association’s Council
  • Election of members is based on their expertise in educational matters and commitment to the development to the above mentioned aims.
  • Working groups should be encouraged to represent a member to the committee involved in developing training requirements and accreditation exams for the working group
  • The Council appoints 5 members for a three year period and the appointment can be prolonged for one further period.
  • One of the members of the Educational Committee shall come from the Council. One of the members should represent Junior Members

The Council will decide on the financial support of the Committee according to its activities and targets.

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