Ordinary Members shall pay an annual subscription of EUR 185. Junior Members and Nurse & Allied Health Professional Members shall pay an annual subscription of EUR 90.
From 2023, reduced membership fees are offered to those from low and lower middle income countries, as defined by the World Bank. These rates, which are half of the regular rate, will automatically be applied based upon the information in your profile.
Honorary Members and Senior Members do not pay annual dues. For senior members to receive the journal 'Cardiology in the Young' an annual contribution of EUR 80 is to be paid.
Your membership provides you with the following:
If you want to join more than one working group, an additional fee of EUR 10 is to be paid per working group.
The membership dues are to be paid by 31 January of each year. For any payment from 1 February, a late payment fee of EUR 10 will be charged.
New AEPC Members shall pay their first subscription upon application.
If you wish to discontinue your membership, written notice is to be provided to the AEPC office before 31 December.
The preferred method to pay your annual subscription, is online payment with credit card (VISA or Mastercard) through the AEPC members' area. You can pay online as follows:
Alternatively, you can also pay your dues by bank transfer. Payments can be made to the following account:
Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology AISBL
ING bank
Leuven, Belgium
IBAN: BE48 3631 8575 3727
Remember to state your name & working group in the description when paying the membership dues by bank transfer.
*If you do not receive the email, please contact the AEPC office.