Scientific Advisory Committee

a member


Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) hall consist of a Chairperson, a Secretary and Members. The Chairman shall be ex-officio the Scientific Secretary of the Council. The Secretary shall be elected among the Members.

The members shall consist of:

  1. the Chairperson of each Working Group
  2. the Junior member of the AEPC council
  3. A representative of the Educational Committee (EC)
  4. any other member for a specific matter upon invitation by the Scientific Advisory Committee itself or by the AEPC Council.

The Scientific Advisory Committee shall convene at least once every year, normally during the Annual Meeting. It must:

  1. Assist the AEPC council in arranging the Scientific Meetings by suggesting scientific topics, Mannheimer Lecturer, State of the art-lectures, teaching session, etc
  2. Make proposals for reviewers and grading system of submitted abstracts, make proposals for judges for prizes
  3. Help co-ordinate scientific and/or teaching activities of the different Working Groups.

Werner Budts

Scientific Secretary (2021-2026) - Chair

Congenital and Structural Cardiology, University Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium

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