Neurodevelopment and psychosocial care

a member


Neurodevelopment and psychosocial care

Katya De Groote


Consultant Paediatric and Fetal Cardiology, Ghent University Hospital, Department of Paediatrics
C. Heymanslaan 10, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0) 9 332 24 60

Edward Callus

Secretary (2024-2027)

IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Clinical Psychology Service
San Donato, Italy


Adam James

Treasurer (2024-2027)

Our Ladys Childrens Hospital, Cardiology
Cooley road, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland

Frank Casey

Councillor (2024-2027)

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Royal Belfast Hospital For Sick Children
180 Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 6BE, Northern Ireland, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Child Health, Queen`s University, Belfast, UK


Bea Latal

Councillor (2024-2027)

University Children's Hospital Zurich, Child Development Center
Steinwiesstrasse 75, Zurich, Switzerland


Saskia Mels

Councillor (2024-2027)

University Hospital Ghent, Pediatric Cardiology (Center of Congenital Heart Disease)
C. Heymanslaan 10, Ghent, Belgium


Lieke Rozendaal

Councillor (2024-2027)

Leiden University Medical Center, Paediatric Cardiology
Albinusdreef 2, Leiden, the Netherlands

Jonathan Etnel

Junior Councillor (2022-2025)

Erasmus MC, Cardiothoracic surgery
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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