Mannheimer lecture

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Mannheimer lecture

The Mannheimer lecture was established in the honour of Edgar Mannheimer, born in 1904 in Gothenburg, Sweden, for his pioneer work in paediatric cardiology.

Find out more about Edgar Mannheimer's life & achievements >

The Mannheimer Lecture is usually a lecture of great breadth on an important scientific or historical topic in the field.

The Mannheimer lecturer will receive the traditional horseshoe - a Scandinavian emblem of luck and prosperity - as recognition. The first plaque with the horseshoe was given out during the AEPC 1966 Helsinki meeting by Professor Bernhard Landtman to Dr Richard Bonham (Great Ormond Street Hospital, London).


Year & CityMannheimer LecturerMannheimer Lecture title
2024 Porto

Eduardo da Cruz, USA

Present and future of Pediatric Cardiovascular Critical Care. Checks & Balances
2023 Dublin

Daniel J. Penny (Houston)

2022 Geneva

Pascal Vouhé (Paris)

2021 Gothenburg (digital)

Jan Janousek (Prague)

Paediatric cardiac care in the course of time: Inspired from both the east and the west and acting across borders and barriers
2019 Seville

Mannheimer Lecture AEPC 2019: Josep Brugada

Josep Brugada (Barcelona)

Evolution of pediatric electrophysiology: from knowledge to therapy
2018 AthensBill Brawn (Birmingham)Transposition past, present and future
2017 LyonAndre Bozio (Lyon)A.E.P.C.: A milestone in Pediatric Cardiology History
2016 RomeKevin Maher (Atlanta)Nanomedicine in Paediatric Cardiology
2015 PragueCatherine Bull (London)Right heart, wrong heart
2014 HelsinkiLee Benson (Toronto)Percutaneous therapies: caveat emptor or caveat venditor?
2013 LondonJohn Hess (Munich)Impact of changing patterns and technologies for CHD on long term outcome
2012 IstanbulRoberto Canessa (Uruguay)Paediatric Cardiology in South Africa
2011 GranadaCharles Mullins (Houston) 
2010 InnsbruckPhilip Bonhoeffer (London) 
2009 Australian World Congress--
2008 VeniceAldo Castaneder (Guatemala) 
2007 WarsawShakeel Qureshi (London) 
2006 BaselMartin Elliott (London) 
2005 CopenhagenLindsay Allen (London) 
2004 MunichJames Wilkinson (Melbourne)From Digitalis to Digital Technology - Caring for children with heart disease through the 20th century
2003 AmsterdamGary Webb (Toronto)Improving the care of patients with congenital heart disease: an adult focus
2002 PortoAdriana Gittenberger de Groot (Leiden)The Quintessence of the Making of the Heart
2001 Stockholm, Jointly held with the XXIIIth ESC CongressArthur Garson Jr. (Houston)From white teeth to heart transplants: evolution in international concepts of the quality of healthcare
2000 StrasbourgJean Claude Fouron (Montreal)The changing and complex relationship between the Pediatric Cardiologist and life
1999 SofiaMilan Samének (Prague)Prevalence, Urgency, Survival and Quality of Life in Congenital Heart Malformation
1998 DublinElliot Shinebourne (London)Ethical and Legal Aspects of Termination, Consent and Innovation in the Management of Congenital Heart Disease
1997 Stockholm, Jointly held with the XIXth ESC CongressRobert M. Freedom (Toronto)From Maude to ClaudeL the Musings of an Insomniac in the Era of evidence-based Medicine
1996 GothenburgMarc de Leval (London)To Robert M.
1995 BolognaGaetano Thiene (Padua)The discovery of circulation and the origin of modern medicine during the Italian Renaissance
1994 EdinburghJean Kachaner (Paris)Paediatric Cardiology into the third Millenium: Un long Fleuve Tranquille
1993 Paris World CongressYves Lecompte (Paris)Malposition of the Great Arteries: A Quest of Unity in Diversity
1992 BerlinMichael Tynan (London)Catheter therapy: the changing role of Paediatric Cardiologists
1991 GenevaRobert H. Anderson (London)Morphological Correlations of Arrhythmias in Childhood
1990 OsloNils-Rune Lundström (Lund)Ultrasound in Paediatric Cardiology. Past, Present and Future
1989 PragueClaude Dupuis (Lille Cedex)The Foundation of the Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists
1988 LisbonBernando Nadel-Ginard (Boston)Genetic regulation of cardiac growth during development and hypertrophy
1987 HamburgJane Sommerville (London)Out of the Blue and into the Pink. Whither Paediatric Cardiology?
1986 DubrovnikMagdi Yacoub (London)Beyond the horizon
1985 New York World Congress--
1984 ViennaPaul H. Heintzen (Kiel)Pediatric Cardiology and Biomedical Engineering since Edgar Mannheimer
1983 BordeauxWilliam J. Rashkind (Philadelphia)Pediatric Cardiology revisited: The first fifty-five centuries
1982 AmsterdamA.G. Brom (Rotterdam)The surgeon and surgery of Congenital Heart Disease
1981 MilanAlexander S. Nadas (Boston)Indomethacine and the Patent Duchus in Premature Infants
1980 London World Congress- 
1979 MadridLuis Becu (Buenos Aires)Hypertension and Arterial Dysplasia in children
1978 BudapestFrançois Fontan (Bordeaux)Evolution of therapeutical concepts on Tribuspid Atresia
1977 GhentCaroline Bruins (Leiden)Competition between Aortic Isthmus and Ductus Arteriosus; Reciprocal influence of structure and flow
1976 IstanbulJohn Lind (Stockholm)Human fœtal and neonatal circulation
1975 MarseilleJ. Mathey (Paris)Evolution of cardiac surgery in childhood
1974 LondonR.E.E. Bonham-Carter & J. Stark (replacing David J. Waterston) (London)Management of cardiac newborns and infants
1973 UppsalaBengt Jonsson (Stockholm)Circulatory adaptation to exercise in Congenital Heart Disease
1972 RhodosHenry N. Neufeld (Tel Aviv)Studies of the coronary arteries in children and their relevance to coronary heart disease
1971 DublinReginald E.B. Hudson (London)Pathology of dysrhythmias
1970 WarsawBerhard Landtman (Helsinki)Clinical and morphological aspects of Congenital Heart Disease
1969 ZurichAbraham M. Rudolph (San Francisco)The fœtal circulation and changes in the circulation after birth
1968 MunichLars-Eric Carlgren (Gothenburg)The incidence of Congenital Heart Disease in Gothenburg
1967 RomeJames W. du Shane (Rochester)The natural history and treatment of Ventricular Septal Defect
1966 HelsinkiRichard E.E.Bonham-Carter (London)A contribution to cardiovascular physiology from the study of complete transposition of the great arteries
1965 St. Andrews--
1964 Groningen--
1963 Lyon--
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