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DownloadThe AEPC Interventional Cardiology Part of the ECHSA-Congenital Database (CD) was launched during the AEPC 2023 Annual Meeting in Dublin, Ireland.
This database is the result of hard work and has been long desired by the AEPC Interventional Cardiology Working Group and the AEPC.
The database will allow centres to have access to robust surgical and transcatheter outcome data from their own centre, as well as robust national and international aggregated outcome data for benchmarking. Each contributing centre or department will have access to their own data, as well as aggregated data from the AEPC Interventional Cardiology Part of the ECHSA-CD. The AEPC Interventional Cardiology Part of the ECHSA-CD will allow cardiology centres to have access to aggregated cardiology data, just as surgical centres already have access to aggregated surgical data.
Comparison of surgical and catheter interventional outcomes could potentially strengthen decision processes. Studies of the wealth of information collected in the database could potentially also contribute toward improved early and late survival, as well as enhanced quality of life of patients with paediatric and/or congenital heart disease treated with surgery and interventional cardiac catheterization across Europe and the world.
22 Nov 2023
Registering with the ECHSA database is easy. Please follow the process described below.
Check whether Ethical Review board approval is necessary in your institution. If needed, the following documents will be available by emailing your request to the Database Technical Director Zdzislaw Tobota ztobota@ecdb.pl.pl
and d. (if necessary), a Center-specific contract document.
Again, if a contract is necessary for your Institution, you can request this from the ECHSA Database via the following email: ztobota@ecdb.pl.pl
Two (2) copies of the contract signed by ECHSA will be sent to you by mail within 2 weeks time. Please note that, if a contract is required, it is to be signed by
The administrator’s contact info (email and telephone number) will need to be listed on the contract. The Institution will add this information when signing the contract.
One copy needs to be returned by mail to the address of the Database Technical Director:
Zdzislaw Tobota
Juliusa Fucika 37 str
02-929 Warsaw
Go to the ECHSA database website: https://echsacongenitaldb.org/login/.
Click on “Registration Form” in the left hand menu - Note that a separate registration is required, also if your institute is already making use of the ECHSA DB.
On the registration form, select hospital type 'Interventional cardiology' - fill in all the fields and click on “I agree” at the bottom.
If your centre/institution does not have a departmental website, fax or CTSNet profile, this can be left blank.
The further process is self-explanatory.
You will be notified by an automatic email reply providing you with your LOGIN-details, center-code etc.
Please use the Quick Guide to start entering data. You can download it below or from the same page as the software: https://docs.echsacongenitaldb.org/index.php/Download
Any questions / help regarding the process should be directly addressed to the Database Technical Director, ztobota@ecdb.pl.pl.
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