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Fellow exchange program AEPC-JSPCCS (AEPC-Japan) 2019

Last updates Feb 25, 2019

For 2019 three AEPC junior members were selected for the prestigious fellow exchange program, a collaboration of AEPC and JSPCCS, the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. The AEPC junior members will visit  Japanese centers and junior members from Japan will visit European centers  for a period of one month. Dr. Jacob Hauser from Vienna with an interest in imaging will visit Nagano Children’s Hospital in Nagano, Dr. Hannes Salmon from Berlin with an interest in pulmonary hypertension and vascular biology will visit the National Center for Child Health and Development in Tokyo and Dr. James Wong from London with an interest in imaging and kawasaki disease will visit Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center in  Yokohama. The host institutes in Europe receiving the Japanese junior members are Motol University Hospital in Prague, Birmingham Children’s Hospital and l’Hopital Necker in Paris. The AEPC and JPCCS are both  supporting this exchange program to create opportunities for the professional careers  of its  junior members  and to promote international collaboration

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